Yesterday, I saw the coolest thing outside in the sky. We got the binoculars and looked at it. It was a blimp that said cloud lab on the side of it. We got on the computer and looked it up. The website said this. It is the biggest blimp in the world and it has a experimenting lab inside of it. They are finding microscopic life in the clouds. Also, It is owned by an Orlando company that is on a science expedition for a British Broadcasting Corp. television project. Jonathan Renouf says “The point of this is to combine some science with some entertainment.” It is 200 feet long and recently spent a week on flights over Orlando and Titusville. It’s a flying laboratory, packed with instruments that will study clouds’ behavior and chemistry, listen to the sounds made by bats and birds, probe atmospheric gases and measure Earth’s surface features. The cloud lab airship spent one night in Ocalas and was to fly the next day to Gulf Shores, Ala. For the next few weeks, it will follow the Gulf Coast to New Orleans and Houston lingering there to examine the atmosphere for pollution. The remainder of the Cross- Country route will take in both wetlands and deserts, with the blimp passing over selected landmarks such as Austin, Texas, the Grand Canyon, and after about four weeks, San Francisco.