I’m sorry that I never did the ice cream thing. I am going to redo it. See the post above this for what I am going to do this time.
School Is Out!
Today is the 2nd day of summer break and I’m so happy! My brother and I are in an art camp. He goes in the mornings and I go in the afternoons. It is really fun. I am so sad that it ends on Thursday. I wish we had it everyday this summer. Which would be really hard and I wouldn’t be able to do anything else except art which I guess wouldn’t be so bad after all. Art is REALLY fun. Also this summer, we are going on a vacation to Galveston. We are also going to try to move. I am just so happy that school is out!!! I wish that school was a choice and we had to go at least for an hour The hour I would choose is lunch. I just so excited about summer!!
American Bobtail
American Curl
American Shorthair
American Wirehair
British Shorthair
Colorpoint Shorthair
Cornish Rex
Devon Rex
Egyptian Mau
European Burmese
Havana Brown
Japanese Bobtail
Kurilian Bobtail
Maine Coon
Russian Blue
Norwegian Forest Cat
Oriental Longhair
Raga Muffin
Scottish Fold
Selkirk Rex
Turkish Angora
Turkish Van
I am asking everyone to please pick your favorite cat and tell me in the comment section so I can make a bar graph of what people like. I will be sure not
to add YOUR name to the graph, but of course I have to add the cat names. Please have all of the comments back in to me by March 8, 2014. The bar graph will appear somewhere around
March 9-15. I am not so sure exactly when. Just check back here with me. I hope you liked this activity. 🙂
Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy Coincidence
Abraham Lincoln was elected to congress in 1846
John F. Kennedy was elected to congress in 1946
Lincoln was elected to president in 1860
Kennedy was elected to president in 1960
Both were particularly concerned with the civil rights
Both wives lost a child while living in the White House
Both presidents were shot on a Friday
Both presidents were shot in the head
Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy
Kennedy’s secretary was named Lincoln
Both were assassinated by southerners
Both were succeeded by southerners named Johnson
Andrew Johnson who succeeded Lincoln was born in 1808
Lyndon Johnson who succeeded Kennedy was born in 1908
John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Lincoln was born in 1839
Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated Kennedy was born in 1939
Both assassins were known by their 3 names
Both names are composed of 15 letters
Lincoln was shot in a theater named Ford
Kennedy was shot in a car called Lincoln made by Ford
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials
A week before Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot he was with Marilyn Monroe
Lincoln was shot in a theater and the assassin ran to a warehouse
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and the assassin ran to a theater
Picture found at www.roymenarini.com/category/uncatergorized
President John Calvin Coolidge
He was born in Plymouth Notch, Windsor County Vermont
29th Vice President of the United States
In 1890 entered Amherst College
Helped sell apples
Calvin Coolidge
President in 1923
He was the 30th President
He was also known as “Silent Cal”
Only US President to be born on Independence Day
Super Bowl Sundae
What kind of sundae will you eat during the Super Bowl? Will you eat one with orange ice cream, chocolate chips and whipped cream ( that is if you are going for the Broncos because that is their colors.) Or are you going to eat one with vanLila ice cream, chocolate chips, and blue berries? ( That is the Seahawkes colors) I would prefer the vanilla ice cream one. Sorry Broncos fans!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta go for the Seahawkes!!!!
Cat/ Dog Week The Abyssinian Cat
The Abyssinian cat is a domesticated breed of cat. It became one of the most popular breeds of shorthair cat. They have large pointed ears. Their head is wedge shaped. The eyes look like an almond and the colors can be gold, green, copper, and hazel. They have a fairly long tail and if you look at its head from the side their face is almost completely vertical. If you look at the top of its head, there is a m shaped curve.
Icecream! What would you prefer??
Comment and tell me which one you would choose:
Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies and Cream, Oreo, Strawberry, Rocky Road, Chocolate Mint, Birthday Cake, Bubble Gum, Rainbow Sherbert, Cookie Dough.