“Come back here!” I screamed at my kitten as she scampered out of my house. I charged towards the cat and fell down the steps to my front door.
As I was chasing my kitten around the front yard, my brother came out of the house. “Marshall!” I screamed. “Go get mom!” My brother zoomed back inside the house. I remembered that my mom was in the shower. I guess we will have to solve this problem alone. My brother approached me outside with a bag of cat treats.
He jiggled the cat treats as if it were the last thing he was doing in his life. The kitten ran under the car. Thoughts raced through my mind. What if she gets stuck? What if I can’t get her out? I reached under the car and felt the grass brush against my arm, and I felt something fuzzy. I snatched and I pulled it out thinking it was the cat. It wasn’t. It was a tennis ball. I put it beside me and looked underneath the car, again. This time she moved behind the wheel.
I grabbed the golf ball that I had found earlier. I rolled it back and forth to try to lure the kitten out from underneath the car. She didn’t budge.
I rolled the golf ball beside her so that it moved to the other side of the car. She started to sneak up to the ball and I ran to the other side. When I got over there, I scared her and as I leapt for her, and I missed. I looked underneath the car again. I saw her tail then grabbed her and pulled her out. I ran inside and threw her on the couch as I let out a sigh of relief. On that day, I learned to make sure the door is completely closed from now on.
Great story! Sneaky kitty you have!!